
Joel Toivolan säätiö
Angervotie 5 C 29
00320 Helsinki
saatio (ät) helsinkinet.fi

The Joel Toivola Foundation

Support for the Finnish humanistic and social science research on China

ta8.jpgAmbassador Joel Toivola (1915-1999) worked for the Finnish Foreign Service in several important posts for more than three decades. He is especially remembered as a great friend of China and throughout his career encouraged relations between Finland and the People's Republic of China. Mr. Toivola served as the Ambassador of Finland to Beijing from 1961 to 1967.

The Joel Toivola Foundation (formed in 2003) is an independent Finnish foundation. It commemorates Ambassador Toivola by supporting Finnish academic studies on China. The Foundation awards grants for talented young scholars in the field of humanistic or social science research on China. It also supports Finnish students' Chinese linguistic studies in China.


Chargé d'Affairs and Mrs. Toivola photograpted in the Finnish Legation in Tel Aviv in 1960. Mr. Toivola served in Israel from 1958 to 1961 being the second Finnish diplomatic representative in the country.


The Joel Toivola Foundation

Angervotie 5 C 29
00320 Helsinki

E-mail: saatio (ät) helsinkinet.fi